Mediterranean Fig Flavored Vodka
The Mediterranean has a rich and long history that contributes to the area becoming synonymous with luxury, class and quality. Every year millions of tourists flock to the Mediterranean border of Europe to take in everything it has to offer from its culture and nightlife to its landscape and cuisine. From Hydra, Greece to Corsica, France the warm luxury of the Mediterranean surrounds you.
The mild climate lends itself to producing some of the finest and highest quality fruits and spices in the world. Which is why leaders in the service industry have a tendency to hand select their ingredients from places like Greece and Turkey to ensure their loyal customers receive the superior quality they’ve come to expect.
Product manufacturers the world over look to the Mediterranean to follow trends and to include its quality ingredients in their products. It’s because of this quality and the feeling of luxury that comes along with Mediterranean ingredients that Figenza fig flavored vodka hand selects figs from Greece and Turkey to pair with Europe’s top quality vodka. What’s born is a uniquely delicious flavored vodka that is quickly becoming a mixology favorite.
Figenza Mediterranean fig vodka is the perfect combination of quality, delicious taste and subtle sophistication. Its unique yet not overpowering flavor makes it the perfect addition to any classic cocktail recipe. Signature drinks like the Figenza fig martini and the Figenza fig mojito are quickly becoming staples at some of the countries top bars and restaurants. Mixologists love it for its versatility as a perfect cocktail base or as a stand alone drink on the rocks. Cocktail enthusiasts love it for its original fruitful flavor that spices up their favorite go-to cocktails.
Figenza fig flavored vodka is one of the Mediterranean’s best kept secrets. After 12 years of perfecting the recipe, Figenza, just like the Mediterranean, has become synonymous with luxury, class and quality.
For delicious Figenza fig flavored vodka cocktail recipes visit our recipe page. To find a retailer, bar or restaurant that carries Figenza fig flavored vodka near you visit us here.